Do These Challenges For 30 Days And Begin To Live In Abundance


It has been proven that it takes 30 days for anyone to form a new habit. If you are willing to change your habit or master anything new, try out the following tips and the sky will be your limit. Try out a new adventure, start by making little changes every day for the next 30 days.

Never try to take a big step when starting out, just a little step each day it will draw you closer to the dream you are willing to achieve. Rome was not built in a day. And a journey of a thousand steps starts with just one step.

What am about to share with you now, has really helped me to become who I have become. I started by just writing daily whatever I do, and each time, as I do that, I began to develop the habit of writing and that is how I started blogging and writing of books. So if you are willing to learn to try out these challenges, get into the car and let me take you around.

Among the challenges below find the ones that will be suitable for, and do then persistently you will soon discover the talent in you. I wish you all the best in the next 30 days.

1. Try to add value to someone’s life every day. –Kill the habit of me me me. Try to add value to someone’s life every day for the next 30 days. It can be a simple act of telling someone I love you. It can be buying a cup of coffee for a friend or a stranger. It might even be giving a helping hand to that old neighbor of yours. It must not be a big task, start with something simple.

2. Do away with relationships that brings you pain.- People who are not contributing anything in your life, have no business staying in your life. Let go of that person that is constantly causing you pain and begin to make room for positive friendship. People that will encourage and support you with your dream. People that you can communicate with and share things together about how to leave in abundance. Do away with negative people so that you will have less burden and have the energy to concentrate on the right people or relationships.

3. Shoot that video every day.- I was recently involved in a 90 days video challenge that brought out the best in me. I documented everyday situations. I talked about the things I experienced or see. It was quite a challenge but at the same time a memorable one. Looking back at those videos today, some of them make me laugh and some make me cry, but in all, the good thing is, I am not the same person as to when I started that journey. Do the same and see how powerful your result will be. Through that challenge, a new book is about to be realized.

4. Try to pay off any debt you own and don’t create another one.- You might say the debt is too much to be pay in just 30 days, ok but try as much as possible to look for solution on how to clear the debt and look for a new way to generate income to pay it off as soon as possible.

5. Develop the habit of reciting positive affirmation every morning.- Try to spend the first 15 minutes every morning saying some positive affirmation. Never start your day without you reciting your daily affirmation. If you don’t have affirmation, create one because it kicks you off for the day. And it gives you every reason to be grateful for being alive and appreciating that you are privileged to be alive to start the day.

6. Put your health in check.- Try to work out every day and eat a healthy diet. If you want to live healthy and long enough to enjoy abundance, then doing some exercise will be of help.

7. Do away with smoking, alcohol or and anything that has to do with drugs.- Stay away from alcohol and smoking and even taking drugs. If you have been a smoker or an alcoholic for a long time it is advisable to involve a specialist that will help you set a goal on how to stop using any substance.

8. Do something funny in between lunch.- Anytime you laugh your energy level is stimulated, and your stress muscles are relaxed. I do that all the time after lunch since I started my online business I watch some YouTube funny videos that make me laugh, and l get relaxed and refreshed from it.

9. Try to read at least one or two chapters of a motivational book every day.- When you read, you get informed and you can also learn new ideas from books. So reading at least one or two chapters every day will get you to enlighten. Reading a book, not just anyhow book, but the one that can help you build your mindset and your personal development is highly recommended.

10. Wake up early than usual for the next 30 days.- Waking up early than normal say 45 minutes before your number time will be of great help. It will help you not to be in a rush and create the calmness and allows you to avoid the morning madness.

I love to read your comments on how this post has helpt you. So please drop your comment below…



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