Life is about determination. If you want to be successful in life, learn to stay focus in life and be determined to get the best out of life. Say to yourself that no matter what is standing on your way, you will never be distracted.
No man on earth was born with determination, it is a habit to be built and it is mostly built by those who have made up their mind to succeed.
1. Master these 5 things, it will help you stay determine and focus in life
Planning how you want your day to look like will help you stay focus on what is important. Before going to bed take a book and put down all the things you want to achieve the next day. Let it not be only on your business or job.
Try to include the home activities, if you are married and have kids all that you want to do with your children should be included in your daily planning. Make sure you stick to the plan, and that will help you to manage your time perfectly.
2. Attend to the most difficult task of the day first
Embarking on the hardest task of the day first will make things easier for you. When you are still fresh in the morning and full of energy, it will be the right time to kick off. Never shift the hard job of the day.
Research has shown that our mind is ready to do anything at the beginning of our day. So after the hard job is done you can now take your time to relax knowing that the remaining work is simple. It allows you to stay focus.
3. Taking a break helps you to regenerate your energy
Taking breaks in-between your daily activities will help you to regenerate more energy and that will keep your focus. When you overstrain yourself focus will be gone. And you will see yourself struggling to carry on for the day.
It is also advisable to take a break and eat healthily during this break. Go for work and stretch out your body. Never be too hard-working and forget that a little break will leave you refreshed for the task ahead.
4. Learn to manage your time, and eliminate distraction and time waster
When you are setting out to do your daily activities, never allow anything to come in between. Going into Facebook when you are supposed to writing an article, or answering a phone call from a friend and discussing something that is not really relevant at that particular time all these are time killers.
But if you learn to ignore some of these things and discipline your self to be determined and focus. You will achieve a lot in no time.

5. Always remind yourself of the WHY as your ultimate goal
Get a vision board where you can put down what you want to achieve. Having a clear vision of what you want and why you want that thing should be your ultimate goal in life.
Create a vision board, have a journal where all your goal is writing down. It will serve as a constant reminder for you. And it will give you the benefit to stay focus on your WHY. If you want to be a professional speaker. You should surround yourself with videos of those that have succeeded in that line.
Listen to them regularly, and set aside 5-10 minutes a day to visualize yourself in that dream or goal. And this will motivate you and gives you more energy to move faster.