Why It’s Good To Patronize Yourself!

Sometimes it’s good to take time to appreciate who you are. It’s great to know that you are a precious gold in the sight of God. There is something called self-love. You need it in your life to be able to devour what arrows the devil might be throwing at you.

Your peace, happiness, joy, and confidence depend on how you see and treat yourself. When you refused to see the greatness in you or appreciate who you are born to be, there is no one out there who will do that for you.

And because we live in a world where everyone wants to be the best, it is very important to stay in your uniqueness, be content with who you are and the purpose God has given you. Never trade your happiness for anyone. Stay away from people who always drain you of your energy.

Say No when the need is, take out time to go for a walk, and just appreciate the beauty of the universe. Know that life is too short and our time on earth is limited. Why would you want to waste it on trying to please others and thereby forgetting yourself?

It’s good to help people, but when your energy is low and your happiness is at stake, then you will want to do a re-think.

Avoid jealous people, betrayers, complainers, and avoid people that use you. People who never see the good in you and people that want to see you fail.
Stay strong in Christ and your faith and boldness will bring out the best in you.
Have you taken out time today to say ”I love me”? Type that in the comment session and the universe will respond by helping you love yourself.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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