Why Your Foundation Must Be Built On Christ Alone!

We all live in a world, where people have become too busy with what is trending. Lots of people who claim to be believers have built their foundation on their men of God. They worship their men of God and out of ignorance they have abandoned Christ.

People that call themselves believers, find it difficult to open their Bible and read it for themselves, forgetting that what you don’t have personal knowledge of, you can never define. When you depend on your man of God to teach you all you need to know about Christ, you might soon find out that it’s what they want you to know, that they will teach you.

This is mostly the idea of the false preachers because they choose what will benefit them, and what enables them to manipulate their followers. This has left a lot of people who claim to be believers stranded and drain out and are left in a state of confusion and doubt. No matter what, Christ is the builder of our life and faith. When you don’t have that personal knowledge and relationship with Him, you might continue to live in confusion.

“A man without Christ lives in crisis”

Jennifer Alofoje

But when your faith and hope are built on Christ, you will have no reason to be afraid. He will make all the crooked road straight for. He will bless you beyond measure and whatever plan the enemies have planned will be terminated. You will be directed by His light and Spirit. Every confusion and doubt will be taken care of. You will begin to see light and progress in what you do. People will be wondering how you are succeeding. But the secret is because you have made Christ alone your foundation, you have built your hope on him, He will become your Solid Rock. And no matter how strong the wind will blow, you be greatly rooted and stand strong.

When Abraham, was told to leave his father’s house to a land he had little or no knowledge of, he obeyed and went. He left his father’s house where his foundation was, he left his culture, and everything he knew of, it was all left behind. And because of his faith in God alone, he believed that his foundation is better built on Christ the solid rock. Where Christ is the architect and the builder of the house.

What is your foundation? Is it built on Christ or your men of God?

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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