That Heartbreak is a Blessing in Disguise!

Are you feeling like you can’t go on with life?
God is waiting for you to call on him. He is waiting for you to tap into that grace and inner strength in you. His grace abounds in your weakness, and He will carry you when you feel weak.

God is always at work in our lives. His power works best in our weakness. He wants to know that you can trust and rely on him for help.
Trust Him and believe he will never forsake you. Hold onto faith to pass through that difficult season of your life.

Yours might be dealing with that betrayal, a cheating spouse, or going through a divorce. Do not be hard on yourself. Trust that it’s going to be alright. You are going to make it through. God wants you to truly trust and believe that He can turn things around for the better.

Though there might be times when you feel the pain of a cheating spouse and it is so much to bear, trust that God is redefining your life for the better. Endure like a good soldier of Christ.

Rather than looking down on yourself for being vulnerable and weak in that situation, rejoice and be glad because God is doing better things with that mess. God is working out a good plan out of that betrayal.

Understand that heartbreak shouldn’t be a road to self-neglect, but see it as God removing you from a toxic and unhealthy relationship.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember I am your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.




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