Learn To Focus On The Positive Things Of Life!

We all live in a busy world, where everything is going too fast. People complain of people, what is trending, climate change, the pandemic that has left lots of people depressed. But in all this God has been faithful to keep you alive. Why not redirect your energy to things that can help you stay focused and positive?

When you look deep down in yourself, you will find out that you being alive is enough to be grateful for.

Stop that complain for just a moment, get over that disappointment and betrayal, that business that has brought you sadness and left you depressed. Just take a moment to count other blessings in your life, you will discover that you are blessed beyond measure.
When you appreciate where you are today, it will pave way for greater things to happen in your life. A grateful heart is a receiving heart.

When you know that God has the power to change that difficult situation around in a matter of seconds, you will never want to waste a minute living in sorrow and negativity.
Stop chasing people who have no time for you, rather dedicate your time and energy to the positive things of life.

Know that life is designed to be enjoyed, and sometimes we cannot stop the fact that bad things happen, and we find ourselves making poor decisions. Whenever you find yourself on a negative side of life, quickly reframe from it with the word of God that says Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. John 14:1. Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you…” Genesis 18:14

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Remain blessed.



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