Value The Time You Have!

The time we have on earth is limited. Why not value it and live life to the fullest. Life is so precious that no matter what, you can still find joy and happiness.

What you do with your time is very important. Never waste your time on negativity because there will always be an issue. According to the book of Ecclesiastes, everything is vanity.

Naked, we came to this world, and, naked, we will depart. Someone baths us the day we were born and, someone will wash us when we die. We all came into this world with nothing and, we will depart with nothing.

Be careful how you treat people. Love, care, help, support if you can. Ignore those that mock you. Be bold to go after your dream and vision. Don’t envy or be jealous of anyone. Just remain in your uniqueness and, you will find yourself floating along with time.

What you do and how you do it is up to you equally how others react to your dream and vision is up to them. The bottom line is to value your time and live life to its fullest.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.


1 Comment

  1. Jennifer osaghae

    Very important advance, God bless you ma


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