Who Is After Your Life!

Be careful of the enemy within. Not everyone will like or love you and, not everyone will applaud you for your progress in life. Most people have been ruined just by those close to them. Life is full of uncertainty and, that is why we need to be careful of the people we hang around with.

Jealous people are dangerous to hang around with because they are full of envy, this is because they feel like they are supposed to be in your shoes. What they forgot to know is everyone is born differently.

In the book, 1 Samuel 17:6-12 King Saul, became jealous of David just because David was praised by the women for winning the battle. This made Saul so jealous that it developed into bitterness and anger and plotted so many times to eliminate David.

Each time he tried to kill him, his plans fail because God was with David. But the Bible also recorded that David was calm and vigilant. Each time the scheme is being plotted, he behaved more wisely that King Saul became afraid of him.

When you know God and believe in him, He will always protect you from every unseen battle. He will confuse the enemies around you that they will become scared of you. They will wonder why their plans are not working but what they forget to know is who God has blessed no man can destroy.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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