Whose Garment Are Your Putting On!

You may be wondering how your future will be just because things are not working out right now. Whatever you feel or what battle you might be facing now, I’m here to encourage you with the Word of God that says do not be afraid, for the battle is of the Lord.

Put on the garment of Christ, which is faith, hope, grace, and confidence. God is fighting your battles. Let go of every garment of doubt that seems to weigh you down. When there is a storm, everyone is scared, don’t be shaken. Believe in the power of God and be confident that He can win every battle. That storm is nothing before the Lord.

There is no giant God cannot defeat. If you’ll trust in his powers, He will see you through David trusted in the power of God, so, when Saul gave him his amour garment to put on before confronting Goliath, David put it on, but soon realized that he has, not tested it. So, David demanded that the garment should be removed from him. David has tested, the power of God so many times and, God has never failed him.

When life becomes so unbearable, I encourage you to drop every other load of destruction and put on the amour of God. Go in his strength and, you will come out victoriously.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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