Understanding Your Purpose


Written by Jane van Zundert

Hi, I am Jane, I am married and a mother of four. My mission in life is to inspire and motivate you, on how you can break free from fear, shame, and resentment and start creating a balanced life, so that you can begin to enjoy your total freedom and never get stuck again in life.

February 10, 2020

The meaning of purpose is the reason which something is done or created or for which something exists. It can also be seen as someone’s sense of determination, or intuition to achieve something in life.

1. Your purpose is the necessity that influenced your creation by God.

2. Your purpose is the desire or pleasure you were designed and created to fulfill.

3. Your purpose is the assignment, mission or duty you are created to fulfill in life.

4. Your  purpose is the worth, benefit and value of your existence to both divinity and humanity

5. Your purpose is the sum total of the mark and imparts you have been placed on earth to make.

6. Your purpose is the outcome or end product you are in existence to achieve. It is the effect, the target and the objective of your life. It is the destination towards which your life is headed.

7. Your purpose is the comprehension program of God for your life on earth. That which makes you know if you have yielded a purposeful life or a wasted life. Where there is no purpose, there is no direction and there will be no end product which is the success.

Profits Of Understanding Purpose

1. Understanding purpose helps delivers you from the tragedy of a wasted life and worthlessness and uselessness in life. When you know, who you are in Christ, no devil can tell you that you are useless. When you have a purpose, you will begin to understand that your time and life is not for everyone and equally not for everywhere.

2. Understanding purpose delivers you from wrong companionship and relationship.

3. Understanding purpose helps to direct life’s energy, time and resources to what really matters to life

4. Understanding purpose delivers you from wrong companionships, relationships and your assignments determine your potentials.

5. Understanding your purpose delivers you from the plague of imitation and competition. Imitation is the number one enemy of life. All potentials are not the same. What you have, have been given to you because God knows that you alone can do it better and your uniqueness is what matters. Competing with others is a sign of no purpose and no direction in life.

Hold On To What You Have

The parable of the talent in the book of Mathew 25:14-30, makes us understand it better. Find out what you have been given and go shine with it. If God gives you a low voice to sing go for it and your promotion will definitely come out of that talent. Be yourself in all you do. In a life of purpose, there is no plan B, be persistent in your pursuit. The problem the world has today is not that people don’t have a purpose, but they are not ready to pay the price. They are looking for a short cut, and some don’t even know their purpose in life and because of that, they are not bothered to ask or seek information.

Those who know their purpose, when a road is a block they look for another way out. Say to yourself I must get there no matter what it takes.


Determine to understands God’s purpose for your life, to avoid a tragic waste of life.

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