Things To Learn From This Lockdown

Things To Learn From This Lockdown

When this lockdown started in march, everyone was in shock and panic. A lot of people ran to the shop to buy lots of tissue paper and others went for foodstuff.

It was like the world was coming to an end.  It was like a war zone. People were scared that all will be lockdown even when it has not been officially announced.

When the news finally came, that everyone should stay at home as much as possible and people should start working from home. Then it was done on everyone that the world was into a serious problem. The world might not come out of this shock easily but it is a lesson for everyone that there is nothing in this world.

This world is a playing ground and a transition place. It is like a market place, where people come and buy. What are you buying? The devil is everywhere this season, selling evil things. The evil market is everywhere. It is left for you to decide what to buy.

I went back to the world of God and I begin to study. I came across a lot of incidents that refers to this pandemic. But when I carefully study, I also came across, the promises of God, that there is nothing impossible for him to do. All that is required of us, is to call on him. He will surely answer you.

Sometimes we are so scared, and we panic, it will not help us rather it affects our health, panicking is bad for our health.

I urge everyone reading this message right now, use this time of lockdown or quarantine as a time to revisit that your first love. The creator of heaven and earth. Everything was created by him for our enjoyment.

Below are some tips, that can help you find your way back to your maker

1. Go close to God this season

2. Make the Bible your best motivational and inspirational book to read.

3. Meditate on the word of God daily.

4. Forgive whosoever has offered you.

5. Let go of bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred. Jealousy etc.

6. Use this time of lockdown to clean your mind, body, and soul from all toxic things in your life.

7. Praise God and worship Him like never before.

8. Pray and add value to someone’s life. It might be on the phone or in the office, even in the shopping mall.

9. Stand strong, because you will surely live to testify in the land of living after this lockdown.

10. Intercede for your friends and family members.

I pray that God comes into your life and gives you the peace and focus to begin to serve him.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore.  He promises to be our everlasting strength in times of weakness and tribulations. His name is JEHOVA.

I hope I have succeeded in adding value to your life. Please share this post with your loved ones and add value to their lives.

Live your comment down below, I will love reading your comments.

I am your sister in Christ.

Love you all.

Remain Blessed.



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