Never Allow Anyone Stop You From Getting Your Deliverance

Never Allow Anyone Stop You From Getting Your Deliverance

Have you been referred to by your circumstances? Has your situation become the name people call you? In life, despite what people call you, or how they refer to you. It is not enough to give up on your dreams and vision.

This world is full of people who will do all it takes to kill your dream, block you from getting your breakthrough. They are either trying to stop you from getting your deliverance and freedom, just because they have seen your light shining bright.

So when they see you manifesting in your gifting and trying to walk in your new light. They become jealousy, they will try to tell everyone, your past mistakes. I am here today to tell you that you are unique in your way and no matter what has happened in the past. Jesus is not judgemental. So, don’t give up on the verge of your breakthrough.

Like the woman in the Bible in the book of Luke 7:36-50. She was been refer to as a sinner, her name was not mentioned, but when she heard that Jesus was in town, she prepared herself for her deliverance, she came to the house of the Pharisee, that was hosting Jesus.

What is it that people call you, is it that failure in marriage or is it that childlessness or your past mistake in life. Listen to me, in life no matter the names you have been called don’t give up, keep on pressing on, fast, worship, praise God, and study the word of God.

The woman came into the presence of Jesus prepared because she heard that only Jesus can save her and will never remember her past. So she came with everything she has, a expensive alabaster perfume.

When people write you off in life go into your closet of prayers and meditations, confess your sins, keep the faith. The woman came in and stood behind Jesus, she began to weep. Her tears drop at the feet of Jesus, she used the hair on her head to wipe the tears away from the Jesus’s feet. She then kissed the feet of Jesus, she anointed the feet of Jesus with the Alabaster oil.

In life, until you realize your mistake, you might not break out of that bondage and circle of life. Be sorry for that sin, be ready to serve God in truth and spirit.

When the Pharisee saw what had happened, He said, only if Jesus knew who this woman is, she will not allow her to touch him. No matter what people say or the names they call you, ignore them, follow your heart, make amends today.

Jesus forgave the woman all her sin, she became a brown new person. In life no matter what sin you have committed, Call on Jesus and he is ready to forgive you. Your light will begin to shine, that even the very people that rejected you, called you names, and gave up on you. They will be the very ones to celebrate you. while? Because your light will begin to shine so bright, that they will not have a choice than to celebrate your new life.

I urge you today to go out bold out of that sin, never allow your life to be determined by your past sinful acts. Matthew 5:15-16

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven

I pray for you today, that your light shall shine out, until, your enemies, will not be able to avoid it. Rather come to celebrate with you and the light of God in your life. In Jesus’s name.

I hope I have succeeded in adding value to our life.

I am your sister in Christ. I love you all.

Remain blessed.



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