Stop Chasing Seeds!

Seeing the rate digital lifestyle is going now, lots of people have ignorantly lost track of who they are born to be. They have ignorantly swept their God-given talents under the carpet in pursue of an easier way of making money.

Here is the truth, what you are not passionate about will be abandoned the moment you hit a roadblock.

When we all stay in our uniqueness and, do that which we are born to do, the world will be a better place, and we all will be using our God-given talents for the betterment of the universe.
I’m not saying that all digital lifestyle is bad, what I’m trying to say is, stay within your uniqueness, do that which sparks you up and, do not be easily enticed with all the flashing results of others.

What you are born to be and, that talent you have been given, when patiently worked on, it will gradually be developed and the results will be so satisfying and that is because you are passionate and doing that which you love.

Yes, it’s good to have a role model, learn from them, avoid trying to be exactly like them, because when you do, you will live your life, constantly chasing after seeds. They have their talents and, and they are sharing them so that you can work on yours.

In life, what helps you get to that place of success and fulfillment is thanking God for who you are and, appreciating what talent God has given to you. Explore in that area and sooner or later God will announce you to the world.

Stop comparing yourself to others, and stop being jealous of others, rather dedicate the time to know you and the calling of God on your life and your life will never remain the same.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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