What Is Your Mental Condition?

In life, there will be situations that pushed us to a very tight corner and leave us with little or no space to breathe and think of the next step to take. It might leave us frustrated and overwhelmed and, it can also result in depression, trauma which can also sometimes lead to chronic issues.

When our mental condition is not dealt with quickly, it will leave us with sadness, anxiety, hatred, and unforgiveness.

We all need to know that there are times when we find ourselves on the dark side of life. That place of mind where all seems to be working against our plan. There are times when we will not be able to clarify where we are heading or going. That time is when we are mentally challenged, to choose between giving up or pressing past that situation. In those times, we must realize that we are not in control but, God is!

Here are Some Metal Conditions


Mood Disorder




Overreacting and many more

Do this when you find yourself in any of the above mental conditions.

1.   Meditation- If you are a believer, who knows the reason Christ died for us. Then go into meditation. Read God’s word, take time out to be fully in His presence. In God’s presence, there is the fulness of Joy.

2.   Check what causes you to be in any of the above moods. That means taking out time to know what triggers you and stay away from it. That might be the circle you are in, the things you watch, where you go for fellowship, and who do you allow to pour into you.

3.   Let go of everything that disturbs your peace. Irrespective of what it is. Whatever is not serving you, let go of it. There is no need to hold onto what reminds you of sad moments.

4.   Make new friends that can help you grow. Those that believe in you and are willing to help. People who can pour into you positively will equally help you become confident and bold in yourself.

5.   Let God be your director. He knows what you want, He sees what you are passing through, and He equally knows how to strengthen you at that moment. 

Know that there is nothing God cannot do. Nothing is impossible for Him to do. He is our refuge and has promised to always be with us. 

Call on Him today and let Him be the light and the love of your life.

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Remember i’m your sisiter oin Christ.

Love you

Remain blessed.



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