God Can Still Use You Don’t Give up Yet!

Don’t give up yet, because God can still use you! No matter how messed up you think your life is or has been, you are still a precious stone in the eyes of God.

When I woke up this morning, this message came to me, my thought was directed to, some people in the Bible who made history. These are messed up people who God didn’t use their situation to judge them. God doesn’t look at your bad side, because He always takes the foolish things of this world to glorify his name.

Some people might say, you don’t understand what I have been through, you don’t understand how messed up my life has been. I’m here today to encourage you, that when I read my Bible this morning, I got a different revelation because I saw, and know that God can still use you.

If God can turn, the story of Rehab in the Bible around, irrespective of her lifestyle, that means you can still be used by God. God did not hold Rehab, accountable for her lifestyle rather, her name made History. Our savior Jesus Christ came from her linage.

What about David in the Bible, God called him a man after his heart. And if you know the story of David, he slept with Barshaba and sent His husband Uriah to the front zone of a hot war, where he was killed. David killed Uriah to hide his atrocity but God choose him and used him to do mighty things.

Take a look at Abraham, though Abraham slept with his housemaid and also lied about his wife been his sister, just to protect being killed and his wife been taken away. In all this God still used him and the Bible recorded him as a father of faith.

What are you passing through today? Have you given up on yourself? Are you saying to yourself that you are so messed up that God can no longer use you for His kingdom work? I’m reminding you of the Word of God in 1 Corinthians 1:27 which says ”But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty things”

Moses was a tempered man, he killed an Egyptian and buried him, but God used him to deliver the Israelites, and the Bible recorded him. ”Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth”. Numbers 12:3

So when l woke up this morning, I realized that God is a just God! His ways are never the way of men. All I could say is thank you Jesus for not looking at my past mistakes, rather choosing me and allow me to use my experience to enlighten other women.

Then my attention was also drawn to the story of the woman at well because I have a similar story. She messed up so many times, she has been into different relationships. When she met Jesus, she was consumed in her world and never realized that the Messiah was in front of her.

Sometimes in life, we are sad and feel guilty about our past experiences, that we sometimes forget that Christ is so close to us.
All that is required of us, is to open our heart and mind to receive him. I urge you today to get into fellowship with Christ, praise and worship him, talk to Him and wait patiently for his direction.

So no matter how far you think you have messed up God can still use you. I was also messed up. I had relationships with different men and had children for them. If God can forgive and still use me, He can also use you, so that you can help others out there.
Open your heart today to receive Christ and make Him the navigator of your life and you will never remain the same.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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