How To Overcome Disappointment


The definition of disappointment: To fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectations.

In life, one is bound to suffer setbacks. There are certain things in life that are not met to be. You have to let go of the past if you really want to move forward.


1. You have to learn how to let go of past mistakes or failures. A lot of people are missing out on their new beginning because they will not let go of their Past life. We do not have to go through our whole life questioning God. We do not have to be trapped in the past, because the secret of the enemy is to keep us focused on the past pain, situations, etc.

2. Don’t beat yourself up over a dead relative. It is natural to feel some pain, like the death of loved ones, broken relationships. But when we still hold on to what happened a year ago we are poisoning our future. So we have to refuse to be trapped in the past. The enemy is happy when we wallow in our past pains and disappointments.

3. Until we let go of the past we will never get to the future. One lesson I have learned in life is when one door closes it will make way for a new one to be opened. Instead of focusing on what you would have done or what cannot be changed is better to focus on what you can change. Do not let the regret of yesterday destroy your today.

4. Believe in yourself. A lot of us have made poor choices in life and that has caused us a lot of pain. But we have to learn to leave each day with faith and expectations. God will fulfill all our heart desires. God knows we are not perfect.

5. Leave what cannot be changed. Some of us made bad choices and we are trying to go back and mend them. The mistake has be done. Let the past be in the past. Believe in God’s mercies. If you do not focus on the past but on the right things, God will take you from the battlefield and turn it into a blessing.

6. Move on. You might have invested a lot in a relationship but did not work out fine, do not get stuck in there you have to move on. How long are you going to mourn your failure? It will stop God from showing you your new beginning.

7. God is in control. Sometimes you do not understand why certain things happened, there are some things you do not have to figure out just leave it God is in control. His ways are higher than yours. God has a better plan for you when you let go of old things. Leave your disappointments so that new doors can be open.

9. Wake up every morning with a positive spirit. When you wake up in the morning you should refuse to dwell in what you did wrong last year or week. It is not easy but you have to take a bold step. Do not bring all your past disappointments into your present. You have to believe in the one and only God. He alone can bring you into your new day but you need to have faith.



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