How To Press Pass Anger And Unforgiveness


Most people are just full of anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Not that they choose to be like that, but due to what they have experienced in life due to the betrayer and hurts from people. Satan is very happy to see such people stay angry.

When you stay angry and bitter it means you are still having unforgiveness in you. That also indicates that you are finding it difficult to forgive whosoever offended you.

In the book of 2Timothy 4:15-17 You too should be on your guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message. At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them.  But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth.

Paul has every reason to be angry because those who supposed to defend him left him in times of need. But he did not hold it against them, and because of that God gave him strength and delivered him. The reason God wants us to forgive others is that we are not free. We all are sinners.

Have you ever thought about it, that staying mad at people who are not even aware that you are mad at them, rather they are living and enjoying their lives. Forgive people and move on, never you hold a grievance against anyone so that God Himself will not hold your mistakes and sins against you.

We all have a mission in life, you have a mission, so you need to keep on pressing through bitterness and unforgiveness. As a believer, no matter what happened let go so that you will be light in a dark place.

One of the greatest weapons the devil uses against people, most especially Christians in other for them not to move forward is offense, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and resentment. When your spirit is full of the above you can never grow spiritually.

Many offended Jesus, He called them stumbling blocks because that is what it is when unforgiveness is in place in your life. When you do that which God asks you to do which is forgiveness, God will clear every obstacle in your life and begin to use you mightily.

Sometimes we need to pray for those that offend us. A mad Christian prayer is a waste of time. So it is better you pray for those that offend you and God will take the case from you. The story of Job is another example from the Bible, even when his friends mocked him he let go because he understands that the battle is of the LORD.

You should be prepared as Christian because people will hurt and offend you, both intentionally or otherwise. Your level and maturity as a Christian will speak and vindicate you. Let press over anger, bitterness and let go of unforgiveness.


God in heaven I pray that you help me to let go of whosoever has offended me. Help me to press over anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness so that l myself will be forgiven of my mistakes and sins in Jesus’s name.



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