How To Be Patient And Be At Peace With Yourself


To be patient and to be at peace is what is needed to be learned. Most at times, lots of people live in anger and bitterness due to how they were raised. Most people react to issues not that they want to be harsh, but because they have learned to defend themselves for their voice to be heard.

The Holy Spirit wants to teach us today how to begin to live in peace and be patient in any situation. Everyone has a gift, never you compare your gift with anyone else. God created you with a unique purpose, You are unique in your own way, so stay at peace and be patient in that thing you do or in that relationship, don’t compare your marriage with other people, work your differences out by inviting the Holy Spirit into whatever situation might be in place.

Anyone who is not having a personal relationship with the maker of heaven and earth is in trouble. You cannot be happy if you are not in peace. You need the Holy Spirit in your life.

When you are given a gift it might not be a platform or a loud one, it is okay as long as you are at peace with God and yourself, you never have to keep up with everyone else’s, just be in good relationship with God. Don’t be concerned about what people will say, there will always be something to say.

We need to be what God wants us to be, in other to be able to enjoy peace. Sometimes we are so busy to see or hear what people do that we become restless because we feel we are not achieving results, and we missed out to examine others if whatever they are doing are yielding results or fruitful.

If you are not all God wants you to be, you are going to be dissatisfied and unfulfilled. The Bible talks about the fruits of the Spirit and if you are a Christian you definitely need to have the fruits of the Spirit, it will help you to be at peace with yourself and other people.


Peace is so important. Life is not complete when you don’t have peace. The devil will find out 30 things each day to just upset you. The devil can set you up just to get you more upset. One thing you need is to know yourself better, so you will be able to deviate the plans of the devil. For you to have peace, you need to start knowing what and how satan operates and begin to avoid its trick. Identify whatever upset you, and try to make amend. If getting in the mood of hurriedness upset you, then get up earlier than scheduled.

When you are at peace with yourself and you have the fruits of the Holy Spirit, no matter what a situation looks like when you enter a place or a room your presence should lighten up the place. You should be peace in a room of unrest and anxiety. You might not need to preach or give any message. Your peaceful presence should indicate that you are a peaceful person.

Have the fruits of the spirit and you will begin to be at peace.

Love, Joy, Peace, Patient, Kindness, Goodness, Fruitfulness, Gentleness and self-control.


God in heaven please help me to possess the fruit of the spirit so that I will be able to live in peace with myself and be patient with the world. In Jesus’s name.



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