How To Invest In Yourself


Investing in yourself is one of the most important things in one’s life. It can be both physically and spiritually. When you begin to do things that are of benefit to you, it will help you grow your morals and you become so confident to help and add value to other people.

Most times we are too busy with everyone and forget to listen to our needs and what we really want that can break us out in life. But here are some tips that can help you to start investing in yourself immediately.

1. Morning is very important

Try taking some time in the morning to think and visualize what you want or want to achieve in life. Never be too much in a hurry to jump out of your bed. Take ten to fifteen minutes, close your eyes, meditates and see your self in that space of success and where you want to be.

2. Be grateful

Thinks of ten to fifteen things you are grateful for that you know money can not buy. Things that you have freely received from God, not by Merit but because God loves you, He gave you all of them for free. Things like waking up healthy, you are able to see things around you. Like the old saying ”when there is life, there is definitely hope for the future.

3. Have space

Have time and space you can stay quite to here from the Holy Spirit. When you are quiet, you can hear yourself breathing. Pay close attention to your breathing, feel your body close to your chair. This kind of practice will boost your energy.

4. Welcome only the positive thoughts

Do not feed yourself with negative thoughts. Never allow any negative ideas or thoughts into your heart or mind. If you are always thinking only of the negative, you will only attract the negative into your life.

5. Invest in positive books

Invest in positive books, there are a lot of motivational books out there that can help build your self-confidence and help develop your personal self. If you do not like reading, go for audiobooks these are also very good materials to invest in.

6. Stay away from dream killers

Stay away from people that will kill your dream. Walk away from any negative person that are not in support of your dreams. It is not most to take everyone with you on your road to success. Some people need to be drop along the way who are not contributing any positive things to your life. Take only the few who are willing to support you and are ready to let you be the person you want to be positively.

7. Avoid regrets

Avoid the spirit of regrets. Holding on to the past mistake will not lead you anywhere in life. whatever has happened in the past should be locked up in the past. You can make reference to it but don’t ever allow it to stand in the way of your success.

8. Take care of yourself

Take good of your physical appearance. Never allow the situation you have been through define how you dress. Take good care of yourself, treat your self with love. If you don’t show yourself love no one will ever do It. It is what you wish yourself others will wish you.

9. Stay determined

Stay determine in life. Never be carried away with all doctrine. Stick with your ideas. God has given you that idea because God knows you are the only one that can bring it to light. Stay determined and stay focus and your light will continually shine for others.

In conclusion

Say to yourself every day. I am the most important person in the face of the earth. I am a winner. I can do all things



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