How To Begin To Manifest In Your Gifting


In life never wait for anyone to change your life. The first thing to do is to discover who you are and what you are capable of doing and achieving. Discover what area you are good at and develop it with passion and with care and love. A lot of people have missed out on life purpose because they were not ready to discover what they are good and gifted in.

Education is good, but not everyone is met to have a higher certificate to be who they want to become. Lots of people that are ringing bell today are not educated. They decided to use what the have in their hands, it might be a gift of healing, prophesying, evangelism, cooking, hairdresser, business owner. Build and care for that talent of yours and your life will change for good.

Most at times adding value to people’s lives is the best thing to do. Check out most men and women that made it in the Bible, they have no education. Jesus himself was not educated, but the kind of miracles he performed, has never be performed by anyone on earth to date.

Jesus at a very tender age was found in the temple, teaching and answering questions from well-learned people. Stop chasing after wind, get serious today with the talent you have been given by God almighty.

Are you ready to start discovering yourself today? Use the tips below-

1. Have a vision board.


There is nothing that will work out fine if not carefully written down. Write all your vision down, read it or take a look at it every morning when you wake up and read it as the last thing before going to bed. Meditate on it and gradually it will become part of you and you will begin to live it, and it will begin to manifest. Anything you give your attention to is what will occupy your mind. Habakkuk 2:2 says Then the LORD answered me: “Write down this vision and clearly inscribe it on tablets, so that a herald may run with it.

2. Have faith

In whatever you want to do or become if there is no faith, it will not work. Hebrew 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. When you write down your vision, you are telling yourself, although you are not seeing the results yet, you have faith, that it will come into manifestation.

3. Ask seek and knock

In life, anything you want, you should be ready to ask, seek and knock. Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you seek, and ye. Shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you. When you know what you want you will be bold to exhibit it and work with it diligently and with consistency. You will have to knock on the door of that gift and talent you have, that potentials, you will need to seek for information, on how to go about it and definitely when you ask God all will be yours.

Continue to work in the ways of the almighty God and your life will never be the same.

God Bless.



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