How to Achieve Sucess Through Determination Part 2

Crossing the barrier

In achieving your success, there is surely going to be obstacles on the way. Never be so overwhelmed, when you face any obstacle, there must be a lesson to be learned from it. Nothing comes so easily, but through determination, and persistence, your success is surely guaranteed.

Facing a challenge in your business, health, career, marriage even in the bringing up of your children. Determination is needed in all. Stick to what you believe and believe in yourself.

1. Hold on to positive information

The Bible made us understand that, when Elijah and Elisha, came to Jordan, there was a river that was an obstacle to them. They were unable to cross to the other side, Elijah took out his mantle and wrapped it together, he smote the waters and it was divided and they crossed to the other side. In life there will be lots of obstacles when climbing the ladder to your success, it only takes determination to know that your success is near. When you are able to break through that obstacle, your success is guaranteed.

2. Avoid jealous people

People will be waiting to see you fail, they will be everywhere to see how far you will go. But keep on pushing. Like in the case of Elijah, the rest of the sons of the prophet stood afar from the Judah river and was watching how it will be possible for Elijah and Elisha to break through the barrier. But to their greatest surprise, it happened. They did on go, they decided to wait to see how far Elisha will succeed without his master because they knew that Elijah will be taken away.

3. Never give up on your dream

In life there are people waiting to see your dawn fall, they are everywhere, they will even try talking you out of that business, that plan to get married, to start having children, that ministry even that carrier. Like Elisha, the sons of the prophets were always telling him that, ”Knowest thou that the Lord will take away thy master from thy head today? But Elisha who knows what he wanted will answer them, ”Yea, I know it; hold ye your peace” people will make joke about your plan to succeed, they will even say things like this to you- we are here before you, we know how it works, you will not be able to break through, ignore them, dont give up. You are one step closer to your success.

4. Know what you want

Elisha was so determined, that he was asked by Elijah who saw his determination ask him what he wants. The crossing of the Judah river was the final battle to be won. Elisha who knew what he want, said to him. ” l pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me”. Elisha knew how diligently he had worked for his master and for his own success and knew exactly what he wanted. He was bold to ask for the double portion of Elijah’s anointing.

5. Be bold to ask

Are you scared to ask what you want in life? Are you limiting yourself because of what people will say or have said to you concerning your goals? In the book of Matthew 7:7, ”God said ask you shall be given, seek you shall find and knock the door will be open unto thee’‘ Elisha asked, seek and knock. And with his hard work, service and determination, he got what he wants.

In conclusion

One sure way to beat those ahead of you is to challenge what the are scared of and face what they flee from.

Stay tuned for the FINAL part of ‘How to Achieve Sucess Through Determination’

God bless.



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