How God Uses The Foolish Things Of This World To Confirm His Glory Part 1

God Is Not Condemning You. Why Condemn Yourself_

People might give up on you, because of your past life and situation. Don’t bother, the only thing that will make you fail is when you give in to their talks.

Be determined, set your goals, and stay focus on your vision and purpose. Then your success is guaranteed.

In the Bible, there are lots of women, whose names were not mentioned, but end up making history. Likewise, some whose names were mentioned, that equally made history.

Rahab was called a prostitute, but end up producing Jesus Christ linage. She was calculative and determined to breakout and immediately she saw an opportunity, she made use of it. thereby saving her entire family.

Sarah was been called barren, she was mocked by her housemaid Hagar. She was given a worthy child who became the promised child and a great man of God. Have people called you barren, have you been battling with miscarriages. Relax and hold on to faith. God is working behind the scene to bring to you, that which no man can kill. The one that will come and wipe all your tears away.

The woman with the issue of blood was been referred to by her infirmity when her time of deliverance came, she was ready to take a risk. She presses through the crowd and touched the hem of Jesus’s garment. In life, people will try everything to choke you, block you, and even refer to you by the infirmity. Let there be peace in you, stay focused and follow your heart and when a determination is added to it then your deliverance is such.

There was a woman in the Bible, she was referred to as a sinful woman. The whole village called her a sinner, no one wants to associate with her. When they see her helper of destiny coming they will tell them her life story. But because she was so concerned about her situation and was willing to come out of it. She prepared a very painful sacrifice, after weeping and sorry for her sin, she weeps the feet of Jesus with her hair and anointed His feet with a very expensive Alabaster oil. Be prepared to give up that expensive thing for your deliverance.

The wife of the sons of the prophet in the book of 2 Kings 4:1-7. Her name was not mentioned, but because she was so worried that her sons will be taken away by the creditors. She cried out to the Prophet. She was ready to listen to instruction and when she did what she was asked to do. She saved her children and even broke the circle of poverty in the family. In life when you are ready to break out adhere to instruction because it will eliminate destruction from your life.

What have people called you? Are you down and confused? Are you called barren? Are you thinking of ending your life or quitting that business because of debt?

Child of God, Never you quit on the verge of your breakthrough. The women mentioned above went through different situations. They never gave up. One thing kept all of them going and that is DETERMINATION, FOCUS, AND BOLDNESS.

There is a group I started on Facebook, it is a private group and it is called the WOMEN OF DESTINY. Where women come together and learn from each other. Leave a comment if you want to be part of this wonderful group.

Pick up the pieces today. Stand firm, be courageous, never allow your past mistakes to become your daily regrets. You are born and call to succeed.

I hope I have succeeded in adding value to your life. Please feel free to share and leave your comment below how this post has helped you.

I am your sister in Christ

Love you all

Remain blessed.



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