Guide Your Heart!

It is very important to monitor what you take into your heart. There are lots of garbage out there in the world today, that if care is not taken, it will deteriorate your heart.
If you want to live a happy and healthy life, there is every need for you to create your peace.

There comes a time in one’s life that nothing matters but peace and happiness. No matter what goes wrong in your life, learn to find peace and make it your priority. Take time to make deliberate choices that will help your both mentally and emotionally.

Stop allowing people to play on your emotions irrespective of who they are. When you don’t guide your heart, people will use you as a dumping floor and when they finish dumping their garbage in you, you will be left alone to face the consequences. Take your spiritual life seriously. It is not all about praying for all your enemies to die, or running after false prophets who do nothing other than adding more stress to your life.

Make out time to reframe from all such and build your spirituality by studying the word of God. Proverbs 4:23 says ”Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”.
Knowing and monitoring what you receive into your heart will help you guide what you speak out from your mouth. A clear heart will always produce a clear word.

Be careful of who you follow and call spiritual fathers because most of them are out to destroy your joy and happiness. The same goes for bad and hypocritical friends and family.
Be wise! Choose to guide your heart, because your happiness comes from what your take in.

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love You

Remain blessed.



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