Not Seeing Result Change The Seed!

Whatever you sow is what you will reap. When you don’t see a result in whatever you do, then it is time to change what you are sowing. Most people engage in a job that they are not passionate about, and some force themselves into marriage, just because they feel they are getting old thereby ending up in pain and sorrow.

To build a happy and successful life depends on the kind of seed you are sowing. When Rahab in the Bible was no longer content with the seed of prostitution, when she got the chance to be saved, she never wasted any time. She grabbed the opportunity and her life and that of her generation changed.

Never do things because others are doing it and seeing results, rather choose to follow your passion, use your uniqueness to achieve your goals. Every other person has been chosen, so it is left for you to engage in what you love. Sow the seed of your passion, either in that job, business, marriage, and that upbringing of your children. Ignore everyone that will try to manipulate you into doing what they feel is good for you.

You are the captain of your own life and likewise the sower of your seed. When God created humans He gave us everything we need to succeed but trying to sow the seed others want you to sow, will lead to frustration and failure in life. Be wise, hold onto your uniqueness because in there, lies your success.

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you all.

Remain blessed.



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