Finding Fulfillment In Life Part 2


Fulfillment is doing what you like and passionate about. Never allow your dream go down the drain because of what people say and how people want you to live.

1. You Are Unique In Your Own Way

Each and everyone is born with his or her own gift. There is a reason while you are born in a certain way and given a certain gift to operate and manifest in. Never you deny your gift because no one can do it better than you. Whatever you love doing, do it well. Stick with it, one day it will manifest and you will be discovered.

Be real and honest with yourself. We live in a crazy world, where everyone wants to copy one another. The present generation is too lazy to work on their gift, they want everything fast. If you want to be successful in your gifting, give yourself time. All you need is to stay focus, never allows the pressure of this world to take your focus away from your passion.

2. Do Away With Pride

Ego can be good, but it is a destroyer to our fulfillment. When ego or pride is in place, it becomes a hindrance working in our relationships, or even hinder us in pursuing our dreams. Pride is the reason why some people will not agree to a mistake or wrong. Pride can also be the reason why some people chase money, instead of passion. Be yourself and respect everyone.

3. Be a Giver- It Helps To Maximize fulfillment

There is fulfillment in giving. When you learn, do and share it with others. It creates a sense of belonging. Given back whatever you have learned, will help you maximize your fulfillment. If you die without been of help to anyone with your gift, people will move and live on. It will be a total waste to the universe because your gift is a part of helping the universe. To be completely fulfilled in life, be the best in whatever you do. Be that best wife, mother, father, teacher, singer or even a helper.

4. Keep Positive Friends

Keep positive friends, nothing will matter in life, if all your friends are negative. People come and go, but good friends will stick with you in good and in bad times. Hold on to good and positive friends, check on them, let it be give and take.

5. Stick To God In Whatever You Do

Keep the positive spirit in whatever you do. Love one another. Learn from people, have a listening ear, seek God in all you do. Praise and worship God in good and bad times. Stay Positive all the time, let your source of hope be from God alone. All you need is to start seeing the world from a continuous learning lens.



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