Don’t Let Stress Overcome You

Don't Let Stress Overcome You

Stress is bad for your health. No matter what situation comes your way, don’t allow it to affect your mind. When you lose your mind, you also lose your control and focus. With the right frame of mind, you can achieve all you want in life.

If you have the right frame of mind, God will take you to the next level in your journey of life. Stress can kill. Sometimes, we create stress by ourselves and for ourselves. External factors, including other people, can also create stress. Either way, the important thing is how we react to and handle that stress.

Life itself can be stressful. For example, we can be in relationships that cause us stress. These relationships can be quite significant—for instance, the relationships we have with our children and the necessity of raising them and making sure they are secure but some relationships can be without love or affection and offer no fulfillment.

Perhaps you are not in the relationship God intended for you, and staying in it will cause you more stress and have adverse effects on your emotional stability and self-esteem. You have no business being in such a relationship

We may find ourselves in stressful work situations over which we have little or no control because the stress is caused by others. We may have uncooperative bosses who take pleasure in making life at work burdensome or coworkers who don’t particularly like us. Sometimes, in situations like those, we find ourselves praying hard before going to work just because of the stress brought to us by others.

Why would you let others stress you to the point of ending up in a mental institution? Which is more important, your job, your supervisor, your coworker—or your sanity and peace of mind? There isn’t anybody worth losing your mind for. Living can be stressful. We may not always have all that we desire and want in life.

Things can take a turn for the worse for no obvious reason. Maybe we desperately want to have a child, a job, or a life partner. Such desires are understandable and can be very stressful. It’s important to remember that for those of us who believe, there’s always help. God is never far away, and we can always cast our stress and worries on God, who is merciful and compassionate. God is there for us.

After the birth of my daughter, my feelings of loneliness deepened; the stress of living as a single mother in a refugee camp was great. Before that time, I never knew what depression was even though I may have suffered through it a thousand times over.

I don’t even recall hearing that word. It was in Europe that I came to put a name on the experience of depression. I cried all night for one year, but in the morning, I put on a smiling face because I didn’t want anybody to notice my loneliness.

From the day my baby was born, I noticed something was wrong with her even though I couldn’t quite tell what it was. I would take her to doctors, but they kept telling me nothing was wrong with her.

I noticed there was something wrong with her breathing. She cried a lot and didn’t want to eat. She would throw up whatever little food she ate. Even as a young mother, I knew it wasn’t right, but the doctors were of no help. At first, they thought she was asthmatic, but an inhaler offered no relief.

I gave her different medications but to no avail. It wasn’t easy, but in the midst of all this pain, I still held on to the fringe of God’s garment. God was my only source of help. In his mercy, he saw me through those dark nights and has sustained me to this day. My daughter’s name is Osarugue, which means, “God is my shield.” Faith in God saw me through. I learned to see God as my provider, my shepherd, and my shield. God has been my source of strength to this day.

After all, I went through, I never thought, I would not be able to live life to the fullness or think of starting an online business, never allow stress to overcome you. because with God all things are possible. with God all this is possible.




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