No More Holding Back

‘’No more Holding Back’’ is the story of the journey of Jane. The journey begins in 2003 when she left Africa for Europe, This is a story of how Jane, after a long period of being a single mother for a long period of time. The narrative presents a happy moment and the beginning of self-imposed stress that almost claimed her life.

A story about single motherhood

Though the journey begins with a promising one, the story and experience open up a painful and sad moment, that made Jane choose between life and her career. Despite all the ups and downs of her life and the going in and out of the hospital. The author is constantly aware of how blessed and fulfilled she has been. She says that gratitude is ‘’ the most important attitude in life’’; gratitude to those who were there for her when life seemed overwhelming, and gratitude to God. As Jane always puts it: ‘’I see myself as a living testimony of what God can do, has done, and is still doing.’’

Learn more about the author

My mission is to inspire and motivate you, on how you can break free from fear, shame, and resentment and start creating a balanced life, and begin to enjoy your total freedom. Before you can achieve that, you will first need to change your mindset, this will help you to overcome the obstacle in achieving your goal and thereby using your potentials to positively impact your world.