Lots of people have gone too soon, just because they focus on their worries. To be worried will not change the situation, but rather keep you busy doing nothing. Every second that passes counts in your life and your situation will not change because you spend your time worrying. What changes situations is looking for a way out of it. If you are passing through the storm of life, just remember that someone has paid for that your shame and humiliation 2000 years ago and his name is Jesus.
Never be afraid to start all over again. Just hold on in mind, that everything that happens to you happens for a reason and there is always a life lesson from it. Sometimes there is some road we need to take alone, no friends, no partner, no family but you alone. So no matter what happens to you, letting go of worry will enable you to realize the mistake, take the lessons, and start all over from a place of experience.
Luke 21:14-15, 18-19 But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict…. But not a hair of your head will perish. Stand firm, and you will win life.
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Love you.
God bless.