How To Know You Are A Strong Woman!

Women are strong and powerful. They are specially and wonderfully made by God. Every strong woman born is not just born, but they came, with the determination to press through every obstacle, until their life changes.

Through the life obstacles, they draw out strength that mode them into becoming mentally, physically, and emotionally strong. There is nothing like giving up in the life of a strong and determined woman. So when obstacles come, it might wave them a bit, but they always find a way to hold their head high and gather their strength back through that denial.

Check out some of the women in the Bible, who never allowed their circumstances to define who they were born to be. Women like Queen Esther, Rehab, Mary Madalene, Elisabeth, Hannah, and even Mary the mother of our Christ Jesus. They all came out as a warrior and outshined people’s perceptions of them.

When you take the time to study these women, you will find out, that when they knew who they were born to be, the game changed, their determination make way for them to succeed.
What are you passing through today that has made you lose focus in life? The way out is not by thinking and worry, rather take time to know you, go back to the Word of God that says in the book of 1 Timothy 4:12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.

Hold onto your faith in Christ, never allow anyone to talk you out of your dream and who you are born to be. You have the ball in your hands, you alone will determine whether to let go or shoot it to the right place. That place which God has destined for you.

There is joy in serving the Lord. Why not accept Christ into your life today and see how the game will change.

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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