Why You Must get over that Disappointment!

In life, people will throw trash at you. Some will deliberately hurt your feelings. Some will betray the trust you have in them. Don’t be disappointed or allow what they did to you to stop you from moving forward.
Today God is telling you to get over that disappointment so He will be able to open another great door for you. Jacob was betrayed by Laban.

He wanted Racheal for a wife and was told to work for seven years, and he did. At the end of his seven years, Laban gave him Leah. Jacob was disappointed and angry. Laban told him to work for another seven years, to get Rachel for a wife. He did and got what he wanted.

Sometimes it might seem difficult to get over the disappointment. But with determination and patience, there is nothing too hard to do. Learn to recharge your mind with God’s words. Don’t lean on your understanding. Allow God to lead and direct your path. Keep believing and hold onto faith.
Stop holding yourself captive because of refusing to get over that disappointment. Like Jacob, what you need is determination, focus, patience, and assurance of the word of God that He will never leave nor forsake you.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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