Be Careful of the Enemy Within!

We all have people that will never like us or what we represent. They are people who pretend to love us. These people see your failure as a thing of joy and your pain as their happiness. They secretly rejoice over your sorrow. They can be in your church gathering, in your workplace, among your friends and family. The problem with this set of people is they can be hard to identify because they pretend to love you and are willing to do anything for you.

In Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus was teaching the people in parables. He said a man went out to sow good seed in his field. While the man slept at night, an enemy went to sow tares among them. The fact about the enemy within is they know exactly when to act.
Have you taken the time to check the people in your life? These can be gossippers, back bitters, betrayals, and jealous people.

An enemy within will stop at nothing until they see you fall. But here is a world of motivation and encouragement. Draw near to God and permit Him to lead and guide you. Take time to listen when He speaks to you. He can identify every hidden enemy in your life. God can expose all the wicked acts of men because He sees deep down into the hearts of the wicked. Just like the parable. They might be close to you, but in the end, God will give you victory over them. They will be exposed and sent out of your life.
Make God your friend, trust Him and have faith in His Word, and your life will never remain the same.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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