Ways to Increase Your Happiness!

Many people are searching for happiness in things, but the question is: how do we get true happiness? There are reasons why most people are not happy. There are also some practical steps in achieving that true happiness in life.

Living in the past will hurt you and make you sad. So, whatever has happened in the past should be left in the past. Absorb the lessons from it and use them to your advantage and make sure you avoid such things repeating.

Also trying, to live in the future will leave you with anxiety, stress, depression, and burnout. It will make you want to feel that there is no time to waste. You will become too exhausted to enjoy your daily life.

With everything happening around the world today, many people want to achieve big houses, the latest car, designer clothes, and their dream vacation. So they have become like a robots. They no longer appreciate what they have.

They forget that true happiness cannot be derived from material things. It’s not even about how many people like your post or how many views you have. All these are the enemy way of keeping true happiness away from you.
Come to think of it, no one will be on this earth 150 years from now to still enjoy the materials things they strive to collect.

True happiness comes from living in the present moment. Appreciating God’s goodness in the land of the living. Practicing the act of giving, meditating on the goodness of God, and counting all our blessings instead of losses.

God has promised to make everything beautiful for us in His own time. What He wants from us is to live one day at a time. Doing our best, enjoying every moment, and hoping for a better future. Isaiah 60 told us to wake up and embrace God because he has promised to bless us beyond expectation.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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