Ways To Get Out Of Fear!

“’For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Do not be afraid, for I myself will help you,’ declares the Lord, your Redeemer… Isaiah 41:13-14

Are You scared to go after your dream? Are you scared to move on after a failure in marriage? Then you must know that when it comes to your mental health it should never be joked with. If things are not going the way you want, take a look at the mirror and be bold to ask yourself a simple question. Am I living my dream? If the answer is no, then it’s time to do a deep check on what is stopping you, and start making that change.

Do not be afraid for I’m with you says the Lord. Fear is a destroyer of peace and destiny. Too much fear will close your eyes and your heart to succeed. Being scared means not confident to follow your dream and passion. As people will say Fear is false evidence appearing real.

Many people stop living their dreams due to fear. It might be fear of people’s reactions, fear of failure in that business, fear to start a new relationship after a disappointment, or even fear of telling yourself the truth. It will be wise to learn and know how to get of fear, so you will begin to enjoy your daily life and be bold to face the future.

Here Are Some Ways To Get Out Of Fear

  • Face Your Fear

Being bold to face your fear will open your eyes to see that fear is a deceiver. That thing that scares you off each time you want to follow your dream will be gone the moment you make up your mind to face it. Each one of us has that fear in us, but what differentiates successful people from failures is the ability to press past that thing that scares them. Go for personal development. Build up your confidence by learning from your mistakes.

  • Don’t Try To Be Perfect

Trying to be perfect will blow your mental faculty. But learning from every mistake will bring you closer to your success. Lots of people quit on their verge of a breakthrough. When they don’t see the result they feel they are not good enough. They become scared to look forward to their dreams. Whenever you fall, learn to rise again.

  • Look For Help

Whatever situation you are facing in your life, has been experienced by another person. Never try to figure everything out and trying to isolate yourself will cause you more fear. Seek help when it has become too much for you to handle. There are lots of communities to help. When you believe you are not alone, it eases your fear. Look for coaches, counselors, fellow peers even family members, and talk about what scares you.

  • Focus On Positive Thoughts

Each time fear set in your life, try to find out what triggers that fear. Do away with it and fill your mind with positive thoughts. Learn to affirm yourself with positive words, and practice mindfulness. Give yourself space to clean negative thoughts or hurt in your life. Open your mind to things that will encourage and motivate you. Do away with a negative circle and embrace those that are ready to push you out of that scary place into the light.

  • Visualize Yourself In a Happy Place

To dream of a happy place is not bad at all. This is what some call fantasy. Try to see yourself in a place where you are living your dream and not bothered by what people say about it. Make time to know you and begin to work your dream out. Start pursuing activities that uplift your body and soul. 

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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