This Is Who I am The Long Awaiting Book “No More Holding Back” Is Finally out!

I have come to realize how many times people and situations tried to stop me. I kept going. I said NO! Too many times to that set-back, how I did it, l don’t know. But all I can remember is saying to myself NO MORE HOLDING BACK!

When l rediscovered myself,l I learned to call myself a strong woman, by saying NO and GOODBYE differently.

As a strong woman, l am not to be devastated or cry over a failed relationship. Though people pointed fingers at me, called me names, but l learned to keep going.

I was humiliated by men, abandoned with pregnancy.

But in all, there was something that kept me going, there was a SOURCE, that I always ran to, that river was never dry, I go and drink as much as my stomach needed.

When I was molested and naked, I ran to the same SOURCE and I was never ashamed to pure my heart out before the LOVE OF MY LIFE.

The powerful SOURCE made me understand, that l deserved to be happy, He made me realized that, because l am a GREAT WOMAN OF DESTINY there are obstacles l must cross to become that person He has ORDAINED me to be.

He showed me lots of people, that gave up on their verge of a breakthrough, He made me, to be familiar with the thing I labeled frustration and made me a VOICE to help other women out there, by sharing and telling them that a strong woman of destiny, should know, that AFFECTIONS and ATTENTION are things that shouldn’t be required from others, real love starts by LOVING YOURSELF FIRST.

I became that strong woman, that knows, that right people will stay, and if the people decided to walk out on me, it wasn’t because I was a failure rather there weren’t met to be in my life. Huummmmmm, what a wonderful SOURCE who wonderfully made me.

My SOUCE, remained me, that He is the beginning and the end, He knows the beginning from the end.

Because I KNOW WHO I AM, I was not scared to START ALL OVER again. Instead of crying over a rotten egg, I began to focus on my self, love myself, went closer to my SOURCE.

So watch out! because when this strong woman, was left alone with four kids, it was then she said goodbye to all the past hurts and said NO MORE HOLDING BACK!

Finally, she realized, that all those that walked out on her, she didn’t lose them, rather they lost her.

JESUS is that SOURCE, where you can run to and never be ashamed to start all over again.

Isaiah 60:15-16

“Although you have been forsaken and hated With no one traveling through, I will make you the everlasting pride and the joy of all generations. You will drink the milk of nations

and be nursed at royal breasts. Then you will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”

Please feel free to share this post, with your loved one, your friends, and family even your colleague you might just be serving someone’s life.

I am your sister in Christ.

Love you all.

Remain blessed.




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