Stop Being A People Pleaser!

There is a need to understand that the older we become, the more we realize that we can never live forever, so don’t waste your time trying to please everyone. It is obvious how some people will never be happy or find satisfaction by how you help them. They will never be contented and never appreciate you for helping them.

Our time on this earth is limited, so there should be a form of urgency on how we live our lives.
We’re born for a purpose, and until we discover and try to fulfill it, we might find ourselves trying to please people and thereby miss out on our race.

For you to win the race set out before you, you cannot be distracted by people who think you need to please them. Stay away from those that weigh you down. Anyone that is not appreciating you and believing in what you do needs to be left behind. Focus on your calling. God gave you that talent so you can work on it and fulfill it. Learn to expand on it and never give the devil a single chance to talk you out of it.

Knowing that not everyone will like you helps you prepare for what to face in the journey of life. Believing in God and the finished work of his dear son Jesus Christ is all you need to keep the devil and his agents off your track.

Time is too precious to show people you’re ok by trying to please them or do as they want you to do. Let your actions speak for you and, let the light of God reflect in all you do. When God is happy with you, it doesn’t matter what others think about you.
Stop being a people pleaser and do all in your power to please God by serving and worshipping Him because that is all we’re born to do.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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