Learn to Honor Yourself!

However, how you honor yourself is what the world will give back to you. Honouring who God made you be is very important. Put in mind how important you’re and know that you are created in the very image of God.

When you know who you’re in Christ, a message will be sent to the universe, and you will get what you requested. Loving who you’re by letting go of every competition will drive away people’s perception of who they want you to be.

There will always be a negative voice that will try to distract you, don’t give attention to it so that you will be able to develop yourself and your talent and be able to serve those God has directed you to.

Psalm 23 says The Lord anoint my head with oil, and my cup runs over. It’s how you treat your calling that will make others honor the anointing in you and tap into the overflow in your life.
Never allow anyone to intimidate you, learn to set boundaries and say no when the need be. Let go of every negative circle because if you must be happy and value who you are, then be ready sometimes to walk alone but know that Christ is always our best friend.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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