Staying Strong As A Single Mother!

Nothing to be ashamed of if you’re a single mother. Never take too much blame to yourself for being a single mother. Lots of women there never prayed to be abandoned. Sometimes circumstances led them to be abandoned and to take care of the kids alone. And some might have lost their partner to the cold hands of death.

The hardest thing in being a single mom is knowing that you are alone with the kids, and the responsibility of both parents is on you. The number one thing that keeps you going as a single mother is learning to deal with issues and surround yourself with people that love and support you.

In whatever way, here are some tips to help you stay strong as a single mother.

Some Points To Help You Stay Strong As a Single Mon

  1. Remember That God Is Always with You- You are never alone as a child of God. Yes, it might hurt, but learning to praise God and allowing him to lead is what you need to stay strong.

2. Set Your Boundaries- Sometimes, kids can be very stubborn, and when you’re all they see, they might want to take advantage of you. Praise them when they do good and correct them with love when they go astray.

3. Stop Taking All the Blame- Things happen to us that we never bargain for. So, when you find yourself as a single mother, don’t feel guilty. Go into the presence of God and tap from his strength. Learn from what might have led to you being a single mom and use it to your advantage.

4. Take Care of Yourself- Being a single mother is not taboo and it shouldn’t stop you from taking care of yourself. Strength is needed to carry on and, your children need you to be healthy so you can enjoy the fruit of your labor. So, clean up and take time to treat yourself well.

5. Stay Positive- Never allow your status as a single mother close the door to enjoying your life. Take time to love again. There are still good people out there who will be willing to take you in and treat you like the queen you’re.

Life is full of circumstances, and only those who take the lessons from it, make it and find joy and peace.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones, and your life will never remain the same.

Remember, I’m your sister in Christ. 

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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