Stay Focus On Your Vision

staying focused on your vision

In life, all we need in achieving our goals is to stay focused on our vision. Anything or dream started without been prepared for and staying focused will not be realized.

In the book of Habakkuk 2:1-3 it says ” I will stand upon my watch, and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer l am to give to this complaint.

When we wait upon the Lord and meditates on our plans and goals, no matter what comes our way, we will succeed. And no matter how many times we fail if we do not quit we will definitely succeed.

Most at times, we are distracted, by our friends or even loved ones. When planning to start anything. it might be starting an online business, the marriage taking on a new job, buying that house or even going on that vacation.

When you are not focused or not strong in keeping the desire, the outside world might just succeed in talking you out of that dream.

Do not be in a hurry, may sure you are patient enough to get all the necessary information and lessons that will keep you going, in achieving your goal. When you fail people might sound funny reminding you, how they warned you about staring that business or otherwise don’t give up rather set your gaze on the end because there is nothing impossible for God to do only if you will believe and stay focused on your vision.

Do not complain just be focused. In the same chapter, the Lord answers and said ” “Write down the revelation and make it plain on a tablet, so that you may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it will speak at the end and will not prove false though it linger, wait for it will certainly come, and not delay”

When God’s vision concerning your life is in place, it will blow your mind, and because you are watchful, serving God having a divine encounter with Him, so when it finally comes. It will never stop flowing.

It can be divine ideas, and revelation on how to go about that business, marriage, bringing up your kids or how to get out of that single motherhood. just name it. Stay focused on your vision and definitely God will see you through.

God bless you all.



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