Run To God When You Get Tired

When everything seems dark, and you can’t find a way out, it’s the perfect time to run to God, He is ready to take you back. Don’t give up and neglect His love for you.
We all have our rough times. We will find it difficult to think straight.
Remember one thing, no matter how far you hide, you must never forget to call on God.

There are lots of people in the Bible who tried to run from God. They tried so many times to ignore their calling just because they sees it as a heavy burden or duty on them. Not until we answer and face our calling might we continue to go around the same circle over and over again.

Jonah tried to run from the responsibility God placed on him, but he ended up in the fish’s belly. He begged for forgiveness and was rescued and returned to that same thing he ran from. What about Moses, he ran away from Egypt after he was confronted for killing an Egyptian. But after so many years God sent him back to save his people from the hands of Pharah. Elijah the great prophet killed about 450 prophets of Baal, but when he got threatened by Jezebel, he ran away and begged God to take his life. God sent a bird to feed him for days and sent him back to the same place he ran from.

There are so many illustrations in the Bible that indicate that God will always bring you back to where he wants you to be. No matter how hard and rough the journey might be. God knows what is best for us and he will always do everything to get our attention and keep on sending us back to that very plan he has for us.
Run to God when you get tired and He will stretch out His helping hands.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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