Don’t Prospond Your Joy

Most people often say not until l have achieved all l want in life, there is no time to enjoy life. That is a wrong mindset because things like that promotion, having those kids, and raising them will always be a part of life’s journey. We tend to foresee ourselves being happy in the future when we think we finally got all we want.

You see that is the problem because in life, there will always be some things we want and want to achieve, and there will be some things that will upset us in our journey of life. So it will be wise to live every day with joy and satisfaction while we push forward in achieving our goals.

Finding joy in the journey is the key. Yes! You’re not there yet, but you’re working toward achieving those dreams, and you’re still hoping and believing that things are going to be fine. You’re focusing on the end prize.

Don’t allow your daily hustle to keep your joy away. That work situation. That co-work that doesn’t like you or that boss that keeps pressurizing you. All are distractions to keep you in a sad mood.
But when you believe in the promises of God, you will excel in life and still find joy and happiness in your daily life.

The enemy would never want to see you happy, so he will keep deceiving you not to enjoy but endure and push past life in destress.

Why not try a different approach? Instead, of capitalizing on what you want to achieve why not start being grateful for where you are, know that God has promised to give you a perfect end.
Some people will love to have what you have and be where you are today. Some common things we take for granted are the little things we are supposed to appreciate because gratitude is the key that opens doors to more blessings.

When Naomi lost his two sons and husband, she wept and decided to return to her hometown. Ruth was her daughter-in-law who refused to go back to her parents. She took it upon herself to go with Naomi. What she saw at that time was sorrow but she never allowed that to get in her way. She believed that something good can still happen to her and Naomi. The end of the story was, Ruth got married again, she was favored by God and got a good husband that took care of her and her mother-in-law. God rewarded her with a son by the name of Obed, who was the father of Jesse, and Jesse was the father of king David.

Here is a question for you, how many times have you allowed the things you desperately want to stop you from enjoying yourself? How many times, have you failed to recognize God’s blessings and what He is doing in your life?
Are you caught up in the circle of life that you have become so stressed to see how God is and how He has been sustaining you?
Honestly, look into the above questions and genuinely answer them, and you will find out how great is God.

My prayer
Please God, open our eyes to see the blessings of the day and the miracles in each day. Dear God help us to appreciate the people you bring our way.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Rememeber, I am yoiur sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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