Rise Up Woman And Take Your Place in Destiny

Daughters of Zion, rise up and take your place in life. Rise up and begin to manifest in your gifting. Rise up and begin to live your purpose, because there is a reason why God created you and put that gift in you. God has given every woman a gift and a grace to work and manifest in that gifting.

Never be taken by the lies that have been said over women these years past, that women are born to OPERATE at a certain level, and are only permitted to operate in a lower level of life. Take a look at the Bible and check out the women of God who broke record to get what they want.

Ruth is one of such women. Ruth never allows her present state of affliction to determine what she will become and what she was to achieve. Despite, when she was told to return to her people, she insisted to go on with her mother-in-law. She has a strong character that means she was not a QUITTER.

What about Queen Esther in the Bible. She was just a JEWISH WOMAN who lost her parent and because of her HUMBLENESS, DETERMINATION, and OBEDIENCE, she made her way into the king’s palace, and because God has set her to DELIVER her people, she obeyed the voice of her uncle Mordecai and thereby went into the presence of the King even when it was risky. People tried to warn her concerning the consequence that follows when anyone walked into the present of the king without invitation.

Queen Esther has another strong character which is a determination spirit, which every woman must possess to get to that place God has ordained for her.

What about the two Hebrew women in the Bible by the names Shiphah and Puah in the book of Exodus 1:15-21 they save the life of Moses. There was an order, that all the male children should be killed, but the women rather choose to listen to the voice of God rather than men. They spare the life of Moses. The two women possessed a very strong character that all women should emulate and that is the fear of God in whatever you do.

When God created woman, He made her special, by taking f a rib from the side of a man. Though the devil came with his trick and deceived her because the devil knows she is going to bruise her head any time the devil rises his ungly head.

Never you give ear to what people say or have concluded concerning a woman. The devil knows that if a woman can be happy in her marriage, in her carrier, with her children with herself, he will be doomed forever. That is why you see most great women who are supposed to be manifesting in their gifting are busy trying to work out their marriages or to find a suitable career. They are been manipulated in many ways so that they will never settle down.

That is where I came in today to let you know, that it is time to rise up from your sleep and take your rightful place in life. Do away with every negative influence in your life, hold on to God, listen to your heart because the Holy Spirit is ever ready to lead you into your life purpose. Do away with the spirit of fear, comparison, jealousy, betrayer, hate and many more.

Welcome love and forgive everyone who has offended you, let go of the past mistake because you cannot turn back that hand of the clock. Rather hold on to the maker of heaven and earth. He who has created you and give you that gift, He has also provided that grace that will enable you to operate without struggle.



1 Comment

  1. Janeliberated.com

    With God all things are possible. Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of life. I will continue to work in your ways.


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