Oh Lord, Render Justice Nigeria Together We Stand!

No matter how far the evil leaders think they have won, God is going to disappoint their evil plans. The bible made us understand that these bad leaders and all the false prophets do not understand justice those who seek God genuinely understand it completely.

I could not sleep the whole night 20-10-2020 is a BLACK Tuesday and a day that I will never forget in a hurry. Our YOUTHS were murdered, like animals. Where is our president?

According to Proverb 21:15. When justice is served, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. May the evil personalities behind this evil never go on punished they and their entire generation. Ecclesiastes 3:17 I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every matter and every work.

The very Youths that took it upon themselves to fight for a better Nigerian ended up been massacred by the law enforcement agents that were supposed to protect them. 

My condolence goes to the families of those that lost their loved ones I pray that God gives them the fortitude to bear their loss.

My heart bleeds for my country for my mother and father’s land. Oh Lord, hear our cry and the cry of the innocent’s blood that were murder in cold blood.


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  1. Jennifer



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