Nigerians Hear This, God has Never Lost a Battle!

God has never lost battle things may seem so dark now in Nigeria, there must surely be light. It is a dark period for every Nigerian citizen, either living in Nigeria at the moment or living abroad. In the book of Proverbs 14:12. There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

October 20-10-2020 was the day Nigerian leaders ordered the killings of innocent youths who went out without weapons to protest for their rights. They were out in the streets unarmed but most of them never return back home, they were murdered by their leaders.

This, is what will happen to those evil leaders, they must surely face the law, no matter how far they tried to cover up their lies or how far they hide.

To all those preachers who sneak into the Aso Rock and into the government houses to collect money for prayer requests, I hope you will also pray that those innocent souls will average their killers. God has never lost a battle.

May the souls of all the innocent’s people that died trying to fight for a better Nigeria rest in perfect peace and may God give the families the fortitude to bear the loss.



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