How To Stand-Out And Be Determined In Any Situation

Eve is not the most upstanding in the Bible, but her lesson thought us that God hates disobedience.

Sarah, despite all the humiliation from her housemaid, was patient and she got pregnant at the age of 90 and gave birth to a promised child.

Hannah’s womb was closed because she was to give birth to a great prophet Samuel.

Ruth lost everything but refused to give up on the verge of her breakthrough She ends up marrying a rich man. Jesus came from her linage.

Rahab never allows her style as a prostitute to stop her, from setting her entire family free.

Rachael waited patiently for the man she loves. Irrespective of her father’s deceit.

Mary became the mother of Jesus by favor.

Elisabeth, though she could never give birth at her old age. When God showed up on her case, she gave birth to John the baptist the one that was privileged to baptized Jesus.

The woman with the issue of blood never allows her infirmity to hold her down. Though she tried all things when she gets to know about Jesus. She was determined to be healed. And her faith made her whole.

What about the woman at the well. She was known as a woman, who has married more than 5 men. She must have been mocked. But when God arrived in her case she was no longer the same but became the first evangelist.

Hummmmm what about the certain woman who was caught in the very act of adultery, she was dragged to the public to be condemned, but she was declared free by the maker of heaven and earth.

Let me end it with the certain wife of the sons of the prophet who cried out to the prophet Elisha, that her sons are to be taken away by the creditors. She was not depressed or sad but reacted immediately to the situation. Just simple instruction eliminates destruction and poverty, in her family.

Why are you worried, depressed, sad, angry, unforgiven, bittered, or ashamed because you have been called barren. You have been mocked by people, just because your marriage broke down, and you are called single mother by those that want to mock you.

Listen to this, check out all the women above, all of them went through shakings, but that shaking was to shift them into their next level.

Are you ready to start living life today? Instead of living your life based on past regrets and pain.

Jesus loves you, call on him in truth and spirit, focus on Him and your life will never be the same again.

Love you.I am your sister in Christ.

Remain Blessed

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