How To Set Your Self Free From That Bondage

How To Set Your Self Free From That Bondage

God has given us the spirit of sound mind not the spirit of bondage. Stand therefore in that liberty which Christ has put you. No matter what happened, or how people have condemned you, as far as you are connected to the maker of heaven and earth, and you are in alignment with His word, there is no yoke of bondage that will entangle you again.

To be free means to be able to live in peace and happiness. To be able to relate with God, one on one, yes it is good enough to hear men of God preach, but if you don’t go home and study and have that personal relationship with the maker, you might miss it and be misled.

One thing you should understand in this life is, whenever you are on your road to success, jealousy people will always see every reason, why you are not capable of achieving that success. Shake yourself off that bondage of what people will say or how they will react to your plan. Step into your freedom and let the Holy Spirit be your guide.

It is the amount of knowledge you have in Christ that will determine how far you will go in your Christian life. In the book of Galatians 5:10, the Bible made us understand that the confidence we have in God is that, when we serve Him, we know His word and depend on him, no one will be able to trouble us or judge us, no matter who that person is.

If God says to us, that we have been called unto liberty, let us use that liberty to help others, not to use it to satisfy our flesh, but to love and serve others. We should try to make others see and experience the same freedom.

Set yourself free from the bondage you have entangle yourself with. Where the spirit of God is, there is liberty. If anything bothers you, concerning an issue if you are in right standing with God, it will be revealed to you. There are things Holy Spirit will minister to you, but because you are so blind to the truth, or you are not in right standing with Him, we wave past it.

The Bible made us understand, that we should come out of the gathering of those that pretend and are hypocrites. Never allow the devil to take hold of you because you refused to see the light.

In these last days, the devil is out to deceive as many as he can, and the Bible made us to understand that, if care is not taken the very elect will be deceived. So if you are ready to set yourself free from bondage. Take the steps below as a guide

1. Be conversant with your Bible. Make it a point of duty to pray for the spirit of discernment. That God should open your eyes to see the light.

2. Be in his presence all the time. Sing praise and worship like never before. Communicate with God through your worship and praise.

3. Meditate on the word of God all the time.

4. Use any extra time to learn about His ways

5. Be truthful to yourself, what you dont know, look for those that can explain to you.

6. Pray without season. Never give the devil a single chance to come into your mind.



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