Get Out Of That Place Of Emotional Torture

Get Out Of That Place Of Emotional Torture

Never Bottle up your emotions, because you don’t want people to see how you feel. Or you want to impress everyone, by trying to suppress your emotions and just moving on. The problem you refused to acknowledge today, can take you into a depression.

A lot of people hid their emotions, and play it super to prove what? When you refused to let your hurts and emotions out, it will end up destroying you mentally. If you figure a way to suppress your emotions so that you can operate in your daily life activities, it will surely come out one day. It might have done a lot of damage to your person or even in the aspect of health.

No matter who that person is, it might be a mentor, pastor, priest, teacher, mother, father, doctors, lawyer, and many more. These people might be going through a lot of emotional trauma, and because they feel they are in a position to lead others, they try to suppress their feelings.

Such people will wonder why they are dealing with mental issues like depression, quick to anger, form a kind of self-defense all the time, they are even scared of what people will do even when no one is attacking them. They read meanings to every little thing. They may even start to believe a lie because they are insecure from within.

The more you try to suppress the feelings of emotional pain, the more you will become weigh down and depression must surely come out of that. People who suppress their emotional pain are greatly to switch moods, anytime they seem to be having a great day, all of a sudden the pain is trigger by unnecessary issues and they immediately overreact.

A lot of people have been molested, lie on, cheated on, betrayed walked out on, deceived, gone through an abortion, abused, drug addition, raped, frustration and so many more, that nobody knows about it because they have been keeping it a secret and those secrets no one knows about it. Because of the external actions, they tried to cover up their emotions, so that no one can see the real truth about them.

I was also a victim of such circumstances. I went through most of the points I gave above. Nobody knew it apart from God who sees the innermost heart of men. I was going through rejection and no one realized it, because I was having the attitude of no bother mentality. I was worried about what people will say, how will people react if they see me go to counseling, they might think l have gone crazy.

Going to counseling is even Biblical, the Bible made us understand, that confessing to one another is a form of healings. Let go of that emotional pains so that God will have a place in your heart and come in to and heal our pains. Stop carrying all these inner secrets, all the emotional torture, it will do you no good.

Please do not, keep to yourself all those past hurts, let it out, surround yourself, with positive people, people that have faith to encourage you, pray with you, people that will not judge you, and help you pass through that state of emotional pains.

Talk to people, because iron sharpeneth iron, weave suppression away, it’s the trick of the enemy to keep you in that perpetual bondage. Sometimes, l still find me in such a state of mind. But what kept me going is the ability to wave it away with the word of God that tells me. in 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind.

Don’t try to pretend, to like someone if you don’t. Just confront that person, and deal with the spirit that is trying to make you a hateful person.

Believe that Jesus said, we should cast all our cares on Him, He is willing to see us through those painful emotions. Stop carrying those heavy loads around.

Jesus promises us to take us to that place where you will not be judged by no one, a true place of worship, free of discrimination, favoritism, where there is no misleading spirit. He will send you to a place, where people will help you get through that pains and Holy Spirit will move you to that great place of strength and mental health in Jesus’s name.

Are you ready to get pass that suppression spirit and walk into that place of freedom? Because Jesus came so that you may have life and have it in abundance.

Please feel free to share this post with your loved ones, colleagues, and family members. Add value to people’s life and your life will never remain the same.

Jesus love you.

I am your sister in Christ.

Remain bless.



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