How To Rediscover Yourself In Your Wilderness Part 2

Woman going on a journey

If you live your life base on people’s acceptance, you will end up in regret. You might even end up been rejected by those you think have you in mind.

The woman with the issue of blood in the Bible in Luke, 8:43-48. She was not on the agenda of Jesus on that faithful day. But she decided to take matters into her own hands by pushing through the crowd.

She was determined to get what she wants and never allow her life situation hold her back, She set her goal and with strong desire backing it up, she made her way into God’s agenda and immediately got her healing.

In the book of Mark 10:46-52 The blind Batimious, he was always addressed by his situation, it became his identity. The son of the blind man. But when he got the chance to be heald, he never allowed anyone to stop him.

All he needed was the right information, and immediately he got to know who was passing by, he screamed out even when the disciples tried to shut him up, he even screamed the more and Jesus heard him and that was how he got his healing.

Are you thinking of starting your online business or want to create your passion for what you are passionate about? Are you looking for how to spend quality time with your family? but your current job is denying you of that?

Try to find a way by following the steps below.

  • Decide what you want, that thing you are passionate about
  • Draw out your plan
  • Go into your wilderness/be quiet about it
  • Check out what courses is needed for you to achieve your goal
  • Visualized yourself in that goal
  • Back it up with a strong desire
  • Never allow anyone to talk you out of your dream
  • Commit yourself to succeed
  • Learn all the technic needed
  • Invest in yourself
  • And finally, explore your talent
  • Then share it with others by adding value to other people’s life.



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