How To Rediscover Yourself In your Wilderness

Woman in wilderness

A wilderness is an uncultivated or uninhabited region, where God has set up for you to be quite and resonate with him. It can also be a place where you can re-discover yourself and talent.

In this post, I am going to invite you into my wilderness, and how I survived it and finally rediscover my talents and rediscover myself.

I hope that after reading this post you will understand the power of the wilderness.

Most at times, we want to be in a hospitable place, we want to be heard or accepted by people we think are in support of our dreams or goals.

We want to leave in our comfort zone, where we believe that nobody can hurt us and having the belief that, everyone should accept us. life is more complicated than we think.

God has a perfect plan for us and is only when we are in that wilderness [ a place of quietness and meditation ] that we can really define ourselves and talent.

Growing up, I have always dreamt of having my own business. I did everything but never achieved my goals. I was always waiting to get approval from friends and family, and in most cases, I will never receive or get the support I needed, thereby abandoning my dream. I turned to a cooperated job that almost claims my life.

I was so busy with the job I was not passionate about until I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. That got me thinking, My doctor gave me time out, meaning l was asked to stay home and rest. It was in that process, l started reading lots of books and searching online for information on what to do to become the person I have always wanted to be.

How you handle your wilderness will determine how effective you can rediscover yourself. Who you become in your wilderness will determine if depression will have a hold on you.

Do you want to know what l did, and how I succeed in my wilderness and how l overcome anxiety disorder and redefined my life and purpose?

Stay tuned for part 2 on how to rediscover yourself in your wilderness.



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