How To Protect Your Mind

How To Protect Your mind

For you to begin have peace of mind, you have to choose what you invite or allow to come into your mind. The mind is a battlefield and the devil knows that if he can attack your mind, he can succeed in bringing you down in life. Are you aware that God has given you all the power to remain in peace, even to challenge any circumstances?

Yes, you have all it takes, all you need to do is discover the key to open the door that leads to protecting your heart and begin to enjoy the peace that supersedes all troubles.

5 points that will help you with peace of mind

1. Have faith

Never be scared of the pressure that comes to you in life. Have faith in God, the bible made us understand that only if we have a tiny faith like the mustard seed we can move a mountain. When that situation seems to threaten your life go down on your knees, ask, seek and knock at the door of the almighty God and He is ever ready to turn that situation around. Have faith.

2. Be the guide to your heart

Our mind is a battlefield if you allow your mind to harbours only the negative things you will be in a horrible state of mind. Stay as a guide to your own heart, choose what you want and do away with whatever will take your peace away from you.

3. Avoid bad company

Stay away from negative influence, never you allow anyone that is negative around you. The Bible made us understand that evil communication corrupts good manners. Negative people will always be a barrier to your progress, they will never support you or add any value to your life. Avoid negative people.

4. Follow your dream

Do what you like and enjoy doing. Never you go for a job or carrier that will disturb your peace. Most times people go for jobs that they are not passionate about, all they do is just for the money, but life is more profitable when you enjoy what you do. And the result of that will be an inner peace that supersedes all. Follow your dream.

5. Hold unto God

There has never been any problem or situation that God can not handle. Hold on to God, if you have not yet given your life to Christ, do that right away, accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour, He will begin to do wonders and miracles in your life.


Say Father I come into your presence now as a sinner I am, please accept me and take away everything that disturbs my peace. Come and have your way in my life in Jesus name. Amen



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