8 Ways To Hear From God

Hearin from God

1. Have a personal relationship with God

You were created by God. God expects you to be free with Him. God wants you to come into His presence, just as you are. God doesn’t want you to hide anything from him. When you create that personal relationship, just as you will do with your best friend, it is only then you will begin to communicate with him and open your heart to him. God, in turn, will begin to communicate with you and open your ears and eyes to see the abundance of God in your life.

2. Know why you want to hear from God

Be open and honest to yourself the reason you want to hear from God. What is your motive? make sure is not for your selfish interest. Be willing to accept the rules and guidance that God will give to you and be ready to carry out the instruction that will be given to you. Ask God for openness and ask for forgiveness of any sin that might be hindering you from hearing from Him.

3. Be humble before God

Never allow pride to come on you when you are in the presence of God. If you are worshipping and praising Him, let everything in you be open, don’t look at faces if it means laying on the floor or rolling on the ground for Him, do it. Be humble and you will faithfully hear from him.

4. Don’t Force God to Speak to you

God will speak to you when he feels like doing it. Never you try to force God to speak to you. God is God of time and seasons. He knows the appropriate time to talk or speak to you. All that is required of you is to develop a personal relationship with him, let him know that you love Him genuinely and you are not just coming to Him because you want something for your own selfish interest.

5. Let your mind be receptive because God speaks to you through your mind

Have a receptive mind, because God can speak to you in different ways, but most especially through your mind. When your mind is always busy, your mind misses out on hearing from God. When you study the word of God faithfully and dedicate time for the word of God, God can choose to speak to you through His word. Sometimes you can hear God speaks to you when you are in your quiet time even through prayers.

6. To hear from God you must have renewed your mind

Renewing your mind is one of the things to consider if you want to hear from God. Since we are Christlike, we should do all it takes to live a righteous like Christ. Romans 12:2, KJV: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Be filled with the Holy Spirit every day and as you walk in the Lord, He will begin to cleanse you from all dirt, sins, unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, backstabbing, and He will replace it with love, kindness, forgiveness then you will begin to reflect on God’s purpose for your life.

7. The ability to know and recognize God’s voice above other force voice

The spirit of discernment is very important in hearing God’s voice. You should be able to recognize God’s voice above all other voices, God will never speak to you or send you any message that is against His own word. God’s word is peace, God will never give you a message to scare you. 2 Corinthians 3:17 says ”Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”. Be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit, have communion with Him and your mind will be at alert to hear him clearly.

8. Have a specific time to study and to pray

Be a person of study 2 Timothy 2:15 ”Study to shew thyself approved unto God”. and Pray always 1 Thessalonians 5:17  ”Pray without ceasing ”. Set aside time to pray and study the word of God so as to hear from Him.



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